1.So strong was her desire that she decided to go back to dancing after she had been fitted with an artificial leg.
2.For her to live without a front leg, Molly needed an artificial leg.
3.His first excited thought, when he got the artificial leg, was that he would soon be able to go back to school!
4.Chandler gets over the fact that she has an artificial leg, but when Ginger learns he has a third nipple, she dumps him.
5.An Afghan girl touches her mother's artificial leg the ICRC Ali Abad Orthopaedic centre in Kabul November 12, 2009.
6.You can also love two men. Like artificial leg and phase. But you can only choose one. Sometimes had to choose a damn fly shoes.
7.Du Toit hobbled along stiffly on her artificial leg, No. 23 written on her back and both arms.
8.Michigan Prosthetic Center to Make Artificial Leg for Puppy Born Without Ankle Joint , Right Paw .
9.Teddy Jr could barely walk with his new artificial leg, let alone go out in the snow.
10.A man lies handcuffed with his artificial leg after US Marines caught him and other looters robbing from a bank.